VPN Security, How It Works, And Its Advantages And Disadvantages

Previously, we discussed what a VPN is? what are its functions and types. In this discussion, Devmipa will explore more VPN Security deeply about this service, Why should you use in connection services that are most often used by companies to protect sensitive data.

Alright, this time we will discuss how a VPN works, what security is and what are the advantages and disadvantages so that many companies use this service method, let’s study together.

Apart from having a variety of uses, VPNs also have several security methods, including :

1. Firewall

Firewalls have a barrier between the local network and the internet. The firewall also has which ports are allowed to be opened, and what protocols are allowed.

2. Data integrity

In the VPN security method, data integrity is every data packet that is passed on a public network, where a data integrity guarantee is required.

3. IPSec

IPSec is a security method that provides security features better than others. For example, better and more comprehensive encryption algorithms.

4. Encryption

Encryption is the most commonly used security method for securing data. The way this encryption works is that the information will be scrambled making it difficult for others to read.

What is a VPN, and why do businesses use them?

How Does A VPN Work?

Here’s how a VPN Security for you as a user. When you start a VPN client software from a VPN provider, the software will encrypt your data, even before your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or WiFi detects it.

The data is then forwarded to the VPN, and from the VPN server then forwarded to your online destination. Online destinations assume that your data comes from the VPN server as well as its location, and not from your actual device or location.

VPN servers are third parties that connect to the web on your behalf, which can solve privacy and security issues such as :

  • The destination site sees the VPN server as traffic origin, and not you. No one can easily identify you or your computer as the source of data, or what you do such as what websites you visit, what data you transfer, and so on.
  • Your data is encrypted, so even if someone can see what you send, they will only be able to see the encrypted information and not the raw data.

Pros Of Using A VPN

In today’s digital era, security has become very VPN Security important and is the most requested by companies. The need for sending encrypted data over the network is also growing.

Of course, there are many advantages to using this virtual private network. Well, examples of some uses of VPN are :

1. Securing Your Online Connection

WiFi is a very convenient public service, especially if you have a limited cellular data plan.

The only problem with free WiFi is that it’s less secure, which means you could put your personal data at risk.

If you are using a VPN, you don’t have to worry about that danger. Why? Because a VPN is encryption to secure online communications and effectively ensure that no one can monitor them.

Basically, if a hacker were to try to see your traffic, they would just see something that doesn’t make sense.

2. Can Prevent Bandwidth Throttling (Bandwidth Slowdown)

Bandwidth throttling is an occurrence where your ISP limits bandwidth and effectively lowers connection speed.

Usually, ISPs do that to improve their service by getting rid of network congestion and making sure there is enough bandwidth for all users.

VPN is a connection service that can encrypt all Internet traffic so that your ISP will not be able to see your online activity.

They will not know if you are using too much bandwidth to play online games, download files, or stream TV shows.

3. Helping Hiding Your Online Identity

Since a VPN is a connection service and can hide your IP address and encrypt your online traffic, your digital footprints cannot be tracked on the Internet. Hackers will not be able to use your real IP address to find out your private information.

Apart from helping you avoid being watched by other users, a VPN can also help protect your privacy from advertisers.

What Is A VPN? How It Works And Types

Disadvantages Of Using A VPN

In fact, there are not many drawbacks that you will get from a VPN service. However, for those of you who still want to consider it, consider the drawbacks of using a VPN below.

1. Fake VPNs Are Harming Your Privacy

The downside of a VPN is that if it’s used to protect your online data, but if you don’t do your research, you may end up choosing a service that does the opposite.

Usually, that’s the case with fake providers or free VPN providers. Plus, VPNs are free connection services so they don’t usually offer properly configured encryption or they might even expose you to malware.

Not to mention choosing a VPN provider that keeps logs of your online activities. It would seriously compromise your privacy.

2. Not All Device Supports VPN

VPN services generally work on popular platforms such as Windows, iOS, macOS and Android.

However, there are devices such as Linux, Chromebooks, and Boxee Boxes that don’t really support VPN apps.

So you have to set up a VPN connection manually on the device or operating system that you want to use.

3. Quality VPN Is Too Expensive

Since the VPN is a free connection, it is not a reliable option. So, like it or not, you need to choose a paid VPN provider.

This can be a problem if you have a low budget, especially since some providers usually charge hundreds of thousands of rupiah per month.

When Should You Use A VPN?

You may need to consider further starting with a VPN, especially if you :

1. If You Are A Remote Worker

Many employees require the use of a VPN to remotely access company services and for security reasons.

A VPN connected to a company server can give you access to internal company network and resources when you are not in the office.Many employees require the use of a VPN to remotely access company services and for security reasons.

A VPN connected to a company server can give you access to internal company network and resources when you are not in the office.

2. If You Access Internet Using Public WiFi

When you are using a public WiFi network, a VPN can be your savior because a VPN is a connection service that will add an extra layer of security to your data. A VPN will also ensure that you bypass coffee shop ISPs and encrypt all your communications.

This is an explanation of what a VPN is, its uses, types, how it works, advantages, and disadvantages. If necessary, make sure to always use a VPN service that is guaranteed to be safe. Take into account all the possible risks and use them according to your needs!

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